We are surrounded by excessive marketing materials and advertising messages.
While that can get annoying at times, it has one big advantage for us
business owners. There are great examples of copywriting and killer
headlines in particular all around us. You just have to start looking for
Great headlines all around us
There are headlines on the news sites we frequent, the magazines on our
coffee table (or the grocery checkout line), the newspaper, billboards,
ads on our favorite websites and TV commercials to name a few. When
you start looking for them, you’ll find them on billboards lining the
interstate, on the bus driving down the road, and in the latest app you’re
using. Advertising and content marketing, and with it great headlines are
all around us.
Best of the best headlines
A lot of these headlines are crafted by big advertising agencies with
experienced copywriters. They’ve been polished and tested. They are the
best of the best when it comes to headlines. This means that by simply
keeping your eyes open and being aware of this phenomenon, you can get
a great education as a copywriter, without spending a penny. All you have
to do is pay attention.
Learn from other great marketers
Think of it like a marketer's game of "I Spy". Once you start to look for
them, great headlines really are all around you. Simply paying attention
and noticing them will help you improve your own copywriting, but you
can do even better. Whenever you see a really good headline, capture it.
Snap a quick picture with your phone, or write it down. When you get
home, add it to your headline swipe file. This can be a digital file or a
simple notebook of ideas.
What makes some headlines great?
Go through this list of great headline examples regularly and see if you
can figure out what makes it such a great one. Maybe it's clever hook or a
creative turn of phrase. Then see how you could use a similar headline in
your own business. Rewrite it and rework it for your own purposes. Use
the headline if you can, or write them just for practice. Either way, you
will become a better copywriter.
Becoming great at copywriting
Copywriting is one of the most profitable skills you can learn when it
comes to your business. Looking at great examples and practicing
copywriting is one of the best ways to hone your skills. Those skills will
come in handy the next time you need to come up with a killer headline
for your own purposes.
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