Copywriting Newbie

Information regarding charges of fees and services are frequently checked out on my site by other copywriters. On my part, I still take some looks from time to time on my competitor’s websites, just to keep in check some things I ought to be doing that I’m missing out on.

I was surprised the other day I received many emails from some students working to have degrees in marketing or related media degrees, seeking for few guidelines to achieve success in the “Copywriting Industry”. I never reasoned Copywriting to be an industry in the first place. What I know is that many of the freelancers are copywriters who usually prefer to work from home.

I also questioned them when they asked about advertising and marketing agencies. What’s with them? I asked. We had a nice time together until they understand that a freelancer is completely different from a copywriter who works in an institutional and structured organizational setting. This leads us to the next subtopic to compare between a freelance and institutional writer.

Freelance and Institutional, What’s the difference?

There are many differences between an agency writer and a freelance writer. But first, let’s understand who an agency writer is. An agency writer is possibly and usually a gifted person who has been educated on the psychology of selling, how to write in an attractive way, the aspect of communication in his or her coursework. The writer also has excellent use of English as a language and with creative skills.

There is a manager or team leader assigned to the agency writer who supervises, scrutinizes, and decides on the work of the agency writer in relation to the interest of the company if the article written is worth publishing. The manager also gives them assignments daily to work on. Submission is compulsory.

Achieving results over the years after running similar stuff successfully, they are given the chance to write original contents by themselves with the manager or team leader or mentor not supervising. To keep their job, securing the interests of the company, they have to produce in line with what they have been doing as before time, playing safe. If it were you, will you not?

After doing this over time, they become highly imaginative, bringing out the talents in them and some might want something different for themselves apart from the institutional way of writing. With this, they become known as a freelancer.

A person who writes with a passion and obsessed for writing is known as a freelancer. Some might develop the passion because they studied English, some got the passion because they started out working for agencies, while some found themselves passionate about writing through different routes.

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